Instilling a thankful frame of mind among your staff makes for a gratifying work place. Consider a few suggestions for developing an atmosphere of thankfulness to get into the spirit of the holiday season.

  • Focus on gratitude. Start meetings with a thoughtful exercise. Ask staff to name one thing they’re grateful for or to share a win they have experienced recently. You’d be surprised at how smoothly a meeting runs afterwards.
  • Give credit where it’s due. Bolster leadership qualities by announcing a job well done, and offer your thanks for the initiative taken.
  • Enter the office with a smile and a kind greeting. Starting the day with silence can be off-putting and can dampen employee spirits. Exhibiting a little cheer can rally the troops from the start of the day.
  • Reward good behavior. As simple as it sounds, everyone responds to a thoughtful reward. If it’s been a demanding week and work has been completed, consider letting employees leave early, providing lunch to the team, or throwing a small party with tasty appetizers and beverages as a sign of thanks.

A few small outward displays of gratitude to your employees can go a long way. And what better time than during the holiday season?

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